California DUI law

Fighting Officer’s Observations of DUI Defendants

Fighting Officer’s Observations of DUI Defendants How can you go up against a trained officer in your DUI case?  In DUI cases, particularly situations where a trial might be to your benefit, many lawyers don’t go after police officers.  Especially attorneys that don’t normally practice DUI cases, often don’t even bother to contradict an officer’s specific observations of the…

California Estate Planning

Medicaid and Medi-Cal Planning

An Orange County Wills and Trusts Lawyer website has an interesting article about Medicaid Planning.  The Medic-Cal Program is a joint venture between California and the Federal Government of the United States, of which Cal-Optima is part of. Medi-Cal is by all measures a huge program.  California has one of the largest populations of any…

California Criminal Law | California DUI law | California Traffic Tickets

Driving Under the Influence of Drugs DUI Drugs

Driving Under the Influence of Drugs It is estimated that in the very near future, legal and illegal drugs will overtake alcohol as the substances that are involved in the majority of DUI cases. Much of the exact same problems with blood tests for alcohol also exist with narcotics cases, such sample preservation and contamination,…