California Criminal Law

Stat Rape

I once heard some guys joking around saying “old enough to pee, good enough for me,” of course they were at the bar checking out some young girls who I hoped were over 18.  I’m not a boy, but if I were, I would probably (1) remember my dad teaching me to play catch, and…

California Criminal Law | California DUI law | California Family Law | California Landlord Tenant Law


There are many reasons why a person should not represent themselves in any type of proceeding.  Below are just a few. 10. Its stressful. There are reasons why so many attorneys commit suicide and turn to alcohol. 9. It is not as fun as it is on tv. Trials do not happen in 30 minutes…

California Criminal Law

Bench Warrants

What are bench warrants? Bench warrants are warrants issued by a judge to bring a non-appearing person before the court. What does it mean to have an outstanding warrant? When you have an outstanding warrant, it means that police officers can take you into custody because the warrant directs the officer to bring you before…