California Criminal Law | California Family Law

Will My Criminal Conviction Stop Me From Seeing My Child?

It depends. Courts take into account several factors when dealing with criminal convictions of a parent. If your conviction is domestic violence then this raises the biggest red flag for courts. So we will start here when dealing with domestic violence and child custody. Domestic Violence A domestic violence conviction can prevent you from seeing…

California Criminal Law

False Domestic Violence Charges

False Domestic Violence Charges Some domestic violence charges are often he-said/she-said cases involving no injuries, no witnesses, and no photographs. These cases can be defended against very well because they don’t meet the burden of proof of beyond a reasonable doubt. They are weak cases often filed by prosecutors to be fishing expeditions to get…

California Family Law

Family Code 3044

Family Code 3044 outlines the court’s power to not allow visitation to a parent who has been convicted of domestic violence. Rebuttable Presumption A presumption in basically an assumption that the court makes before hearing evidence. In simple terms, if you have a domestic violence conviction, the court is already going to assume that you…