California Criminal Law

Westminster Courthouse – Moving in and Out

Westminster Courthouse and it’s Courtrooms. Westminster Courthouse has many different functions.  The courthouse handles criminal cases, landlord tenant, civil restraining orders, and traffic cases.  Since I am a criminal defense attorney, I will only talk about the criminal and traffic cases at the Westminster Courthouse. Traffic Cases at the Westminster Courthouse. Traffic cases at the Westminster…

California Criminal Law | California DUI law | California Traffic Tickets | Constitutional Rights

Should I talk with a police officer when I’ve been pulled over and drinking?

What do I do? If you are pulled over and you have been drinking then I recommend you skip the field sobriety test and do not answer any questions as to drinking. In fact, you should tell the officer to cite you for what you were pulled over for and let you continue to your…

California Criminal Law | California DUI law | California Traffic Tickets

The importance of a DUI Lawyer doing the Widmark calculation and questioning assumptions.

It’s important to know how to do a widmark calculation manually. By doing this, you will know where they expert will be and what the prosecutor will ask. The most common calculations are number of drinks and what will a person alcohol level be with this amount of drinks, time, weight, etc, and the retro…

Web design and SEO

How Do I make My Website Mobile Friendly?

It is only inevitable that people will start going to our sites with their phones.Whether we like it or not, everyone is starting to do more things with their mobile phone. People use to shop online with their computers and now they are using their phones. Let’s not talk about Yelp and Apps. I’m sure someone has…